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HS Code for 03
0301 Live fish.
Show details
0301.1100 freshwater
0301.1900 Other
0301.9100 Trout (salmon trout, rainbow trout, Clark rainbow trout, aguabonita rainbow trout, gilai rainbow trout, Apache rainbow trout and Chrysogaster rainbow trout)
0301.9200 Eel (Anguilla)
0301.9300 Carp (carp, crucian carp, grass carp, lower eye worm, tendril, Mylopharyngodon piceus, catla catla, labeo, osteochilus hasselti, leptobarbus hoeveni, giant leaf algae)
0301.9400 Common Atlantic and Pacific or bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis)
0301.9500 Southern tuna (Thunnus maccoyii)
0301.99 Other
0301.9910 Sturgeon species sturgeon, sturgeon across Ontario, sturgeon and spindle
0301.9920 Atlantic salmon
0301.9990 Other
0302 Fresh or chilled fish, excluding fillets and other fish meat, Title 03.04.
Show details
0302.11 Trout (salmon trout, rainbow trout, Clark rainbow trout, aguabonita rainbow trout, gilai rainbow trout, Apache rainbow trout and Chrysogaster rainbow trout)
0302.1110 Whole
0302.1120 Headless and visceral ("Hg")
0302.1130 Medal (sliced, steak)*
0302.1190 Other
0302.13 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus TSCHAWYTSCHA, Oncorhynchus kisuch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus)
0302.1310 Integer
0302.1320 Headless and visceral ("Hg")
0302.1330 Medal (sliced, steak)*
0302.1340 Headless, eviscerated and tailless ("HGT / trunk")
0302.1390 Other
0302.14 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (hucho hucho)
0302.1410 Integer
0302.1420 Headless and visceral ("Hg")
0302.1430 Medal (sliced, steak)*
0302.1440 Headless, eviscerated and tailless ("HGT / trunk")
0302.1490 Other
0302.1900 Other
0302.2100 Flounder (halibut)
0302.2200 A sole
0302.2300 Sole (sole)
0302.2400 Turbot ("turbots") (turbot)
0302.29 Other
0302.2920 Paralichthyidae
0302.2990 Other
0302.3100 Tuna (Thunnus alalunga)
0302.3200 Yellowfin tuna (yellowfin tuna)
0302.3300 List (beautiful striped belly) (Katsuwonus pelamis)
0302.3400 Thunnus obesus
0302.3500 Common Atlantic and Pacific or bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis)
0302.3600 Southern tuna (Thunnus maccoyii)
0302.3900 Other
0302.4100 Herring (herring, herring)
0302.4200 Anchovy
0302.4300 Sardines (sardines, sardines), sardines (sardines) and herring (sardines)
0302.4400 Mackerel
0302.45 Jules
0302.4511 Integer
0302.4519 Other
0302.4590 Other
0302.4600 Canadian thunder snake
0302.47 Swordfish (swordfish)
0302.4720 Headless and visceral ("Hg")
0302.4730 Headless, eviscerated and tailless ("HGT / trunk")
0302.4790 Other
0302.4900 Other
0302.5100 Bacala (Gadus Mohua, Gadus ogak, Gadus marcefalus)
0302.5200 Haddock
0302.5300 Anthrax
0302.54 Cod (COD, urocystis)
0302.5413 Whole
0302.5414 Headless and visceral ("Hg")
0302.5416 Other
0302.5420 Other cod
0302.5490 Other cod
0302.5500 Theragra chalcograma
0302.5600 Blue cod
0302.59 Other
0302.5910 Tail cod
0302.5990 Other
0302.7100 Tilapia mossambica
0302.7200 Catfish or catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.)
0302.7300 Carp (carp, crucian carp, grass carp, lower eye worm, tendril, Mylopharyngodon piceus, catla catla, labeo, osteochilus hasselti, leptobarbus hoeveni, giant leaf algae)
0302.7400 Eel (Anguilla)
0302.7900 Other
0302.81 Carson and other schools
0302.8111 White fin sea shark
0302.8112 Ceramic tile
0302.8113 Galapagos / Mango shark
0302.8114 Toros
0302.8119 Other
0302.8121 Smoke shark, grey shark or sea cat
0302.8122 Grey nosed shark
0302.8123 Spiny horned shark
0302.8124 Saw fish
0302.8129 Other
0302.8131 Whale shark
0302.8132 Pilgrim shark
0302.8139 Other
0302.8141 Firefox (Firefox)
0302.8142 Shark
0302.8143 Toothed shark (Isurus oxyinchus)
0302.8144 Sardine
0302.8149 Other
0302.8151 Hammerhead shark
0302.8152 Giant hammer shark
0302.8153 Smooth hammerhead shark
0302.8159 Other
0302.8190 Other
0302.82 Stripe (rajidae)
0302.8210 Zearaja chilensis (former dipturus chilensis)
0302.8290 Other
0302.83 Antarctic and black Antarctic cod (black cod, deep cod, black notochord) * (dissostichus spp.)
0302.8310 Deep rosacea (dissostichus eleginoides)
0302.8390 Other
0302.8400 Perch (dicentrachus spp.)
0302.8500 Sargos (doradas, esparidas) * (Spartaco)
0302.89 Other
0302.8910 Gilberti cilia
0302.8921 Whole
0302.8929 Other
0302.8930 Common sardines (strangomera bentinki (ex Clupea bentinki))
0302.8942 Golden crested seagull
0302.8943 Other walruses (Chilean walrus, spotted walrus)
0302.8948 Cosinobas
0302.8949 Pegeres DeMar (odones reggia)
0302.8991 All white sturgeon (trans mountain sturgeon) and Siberian sturgeon (Bowman sturgeon)
0302.8999 Other
0302.9100 Liver, eggs and milk
0302.92 shark 's fin
0302.9211 White fin sea shark
0302.9212 Ceramic tile (pryonas grauca)
0302.9213 Galapagos / Mango shark
0302.9214 Hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini)
0302.9215 Giant hammerhead shark
0302.9216 Hammerhead shark (Sphyrna zygaena)
0302.9217 Mustelus Mento
0302.9219 Other
0302.9221 Smoke shark, grey shark or sea cat
0302.9222 Grey nosed shark
0302.9223 Angle shark
0302.9224 Sawfish family
0302.9229 Other
0302.9231 Whale shark (rhinodon typus)
0302.9232 Pilgrim shark
0302.9239 Other
0302.9241 Firefox (Firefox)
0302.9242 Shark
0302.9243 Toothed shark or mackerel
0302.9244 Sardine
0302.9249 Other
0302.9290 Other
0302.99 Other
0302.9910 Manta rays of the ray family
0302.9920 Spotted fin bat family
0302.9990 Other
0303 Frozen fish, excluding fillets and other fish, Title 03.04.
Show details
0303.11 Red salmon
0303.1110 Integer
0303.1120 Headless and visceral ("Hg")
0303.1130 Medal (sliced, steak)*
0303.1140 Belly (Harami, harasu)*
0303.1150 Headless, eviscerated and tailless ("HGT / trunk")
0303.1190 Other
0303.12 Other Pacific salmon (salmonid, salmonid, salmonid, salmonid, salmonid, salmonid)
0303.1210 Integer
0303.1220 Headless and visceral ("Hg")
0303.1230 Medal (sliced, steak)*
0303.1240 Belly (Harami, harasu)*
0303.1250 Headless, eviscerated and tailless ("HGT / trunk")
0303.1290 Other
0303.13 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (hucho hucho)
0303.1310 Integer
0303.1320 Headless and visceral ("Hg")
0303.1330 Medal (sliced, steak)*
0303.1340 Belly (Harami, harasu)*
0303.1350 Headless, eviscerated and tailless ("HGT / trunk")
0303.1390 Other
0303.14 Trout (salmon trout, rainbow trout, Clark rainbow trout, aguabonita rainbow trout, gilai rainbow trout, Apache rainbow trout and Chrysogaster rainbow trout)
0303.1410 Whole
0303.1420 Headless and visceral ("Hg")
0303.1430 Medal (sliced, steak)*
0303.1440 Belly (Harami, harasu)*
0303.1490 Other
0303.1900 Other
0303.2300 Tilapia mossambica
0303.2400 Catfish or catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.)
0303.2500 Carp (carp, crucian carp, grass carp, lower eye worm, tendril, Mylopharyngodon piceus, catla catla, labeo, osteochilus hasselti, leptobarbus hoeveni, giant leaf algae)
0303.2600 Eel (Anguilla)
0303.2900 Other
0303.3100 Flounder (halibut)
0303.3200 A sole
0303.3300 Sole (sole)
0303.3400 Turbot ("turbots") (turbot)
0303.39 Other
0303.3920 Paralichthyidae
0303.3990 Other
0303.4100 Tuna (Thunnus alalunga)
0303.4200 Yellowfin tuna (yellowfin tuna)
0303.4300 List (beautiful striped belly) (Katsuwonus pelamis)
0303.4400 Thunnus obesus
0303.4500 Common Atlantic and Pacific or bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis)
0303.4600 Southern tuna (Thunnus maccoyii)
0303.4900 Other
0303.5100 Herring (herring, herring)
0303.5300 Sardines (sardines, sardines), sardines (sardines) and herring (sardines)
0303.5400 Mackerel
0303.55 Jules
0303.5511 Integer
0303.5512 Headless and visceral ("Hg")
0303.5513 Headless, eviscerated and tailless ("HGT / trunk")
0303.5519 Other
0303.5590 Other
0303.5600 Canadian thunder snake
0303.57 Swordfish (swordfish)
0303.5710 Integer
0303.5720 Headless and visceral ("Hg")
0303.5790 Other
0303.5900 Other
0303.6300 Bacala (Gadus Mohua, Gadus ogak, Gadus marcefalus)
0303.6400 Haddock
0303.6500 Anthrax
0303.66 Cod (COD, urocystis)
0303.6621 Headless, eviscerated and tailless ("HGT / trunk")
0303.6629 Other
0303.6630 Common cod
0303.6649 Other cod
0303.6690 Other cod
0303.6700 Theragra chalcograma
0303.68 Blue cod
0303.6812 Headless and visceral ("Hg")
0303.6813 Headless, eviscerated and tailless ("HGT / trunk")
0303.6819 Other
0303.6890 Small spotted cod (micromesistius poutassou)
0303.69 Other
0303.6930 Tail cod
0303.6940 Salix australis
0303.6990 Other
0303.81 Carson and other schools
0303.8111 White fin sea shark
0303.8112 Ceramic tile
0303.8113 Galapagos / Mango shark
0303.8114 Hammerhead shark
0303.8115 Giant hammer shark
0303.8116 Smooth hammerhead shark
0303.8117 Toros
0303.8119 Other
0303.8121 Smoke shark, grey shark or sea cat
0303.8122 Grey nosed shark
0303.8123 Spiny horned shark
0303.8124 Saw fish
0303.8129 Other
0303.8131 Whale shark
0303.8132 Pilgrim shark
0303.8139 Other
0303.8141 Firefox (Firefox)
0303.8142 Shark
0303.8143 Toothed shark (Isurus oxyinchus)
0303.8144 Sardine
0303.8149 Other
0303.8190 Other
0303.82 Stripe (rajidae)
0303.8210 Zearaja chilensis (former dipturus chilensis)
0303.8290 Other
0303.83 Antarctic and black Antarctic cod (black cod, deep cod, black notochord) * (dissostichus spp.)
0303.8311 Integer
0303.8313 Headless, eviscerated and tailless ("HGT / trunk")
0303.8319 Other
0303.8390 Other
0303.8400 Perch (dicentrachus spp.)
0303.89 Other
0303.8910 Gilberti cilia
0303.8921 Whole
0303.8929 Other
0303.8930 Common sardines (strangomera bentinki (ex Clupea bentinki))
0303.8941 Golden crested seagull
0303.8949 Other walruses (Chilean walrus, spotted walrus)
0303.8953 Headless, eviscerated and tailless ("HGT / trunk")
0303.8959 Other
0303.8971 Integer
0303.8972 Headless and visceral ("Hg")
0303.8979 Other
0303.8995 Striped Dragon (champsocephalus gunnari), whole
0303.8998 Pegeres DeMar (odones reggia)
0303.8999 Other
0303.91 Liver, eggs and milk
0303.9110 Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon
0303.9120 trout
0303.9130 Cod (COD)
0303.9190 Other
0303.92 shark 's fin
0303.9211 White fin sea shark
0303.9212 Ceramic tile (pryonas grauca)
0303.9213 Galapagos / Mango shark
0303.9214 Hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini)
0303.9215 Giant hammerhead shark
0303.9216 Hammerhead shark (Sphyrna zygaena)
0303.9217 Mustelus Mento
0303.9219 Other
0303.9221 Smoke shark, grey shark or sea cat
0303.9222 Grey nosed shark
0303.9223 Angle shark
0303.9224 Sawfish family
0303.9229 Other
0303.9231 Whale shark (rhinodon typus)
0303.9232 Pilgrim shark
0303.9239 Other
0303.9241 Firefox (Firefox)
0303.9242 Shark
0303.9243 Toothed shark or mackerel
0303.9244 Sardine
0303.9249 Other
0303.9290 Other
0303.99 Other
0303.9910 Striped fin of ray family
0303.9920 Spotted fin bat family
0303.9990 Other
0304 Fresh, chilled or frozen fillets and other fish meat (whether or not chopped).
Show details
0304.3100 Tilapia mossambica
0304.3200 Catfish or catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.)
0304.3300 Nile perch
0304.3900 Other
0304.41 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus TSCHAWYTSCHA, Oncorhynchus kisutsh, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (hucho hucho)
0304.4110 pacific salmon
0304.4120 Atlantic salmon and Danube salmon
0304.4200 Trout (salmon trout, rainbow trout, Clark rainbow trout, aguabonita rainbow trout, gilai rainbow trout, Apache rainbow trout and Chrysogaster rainbow trout)
0304.4300 Flat fish (lateral ear, meat foot, crab eating family, Soleidae, scophthalmidae and citharidae)
0304.44 Short tailed snappers, Cyprinidae, snappers, Cyprinidae, haddock, merluccidae, moridae and muranoleepidae
0304.4410 Common cod
0304.4420 Southern cod
0304.4430 Tail cod
0304.4440 Three fin cod
0304.4490 Other
0304.4500 Swordfish (swordfish)
0304.46 Antarctic and black Antarctic cod (black cod, deep cod, black notochord) * (dissostichus spp.)
0304.4610 Deep rosacea (dissostichus eleginoides)
0304.4690 Other
0304.47 Carson and other schools
0304.4711 White fin sea shark
0304.4712 Ceramic tile
0304.4713 Galapagos / Mango shark
0304.4714 Hammerhead shark
0304.4715 Giant hammer shark
0304.4716 Smooth hammerhead shark
0304.4717 Toros
0304.4719 Other
0304.4721 Smoke shark, grey shark or sea cat
0304.4722 Grey nosed shark
0304.4723 Spiny horned shark
0304.4724 Saw fish
0304.4729 Other
0304.4731 Whale shark
0304.4732 Pilgrim shark
0304.4739 Other
0304.4741 Firefox (Firefox)
0304.4742 Shark
0304.4743 Toothed shark (Isurus oxyinchus)
0304.4744 Sardine
0304.4749 Other
0304.4790 Other
0304.48 Stripe (rajidae)
0304.4810 Zearaja chilensis (former dipturus chilensis)
0304.4890 Other
0304.4900 Other
0304.5100 Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.), catfish or catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., ithalus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp.), grass carp idellus, hypothalamic phthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, catla catla, lab
0304.5200 salmon
0304.5300 Short tailed snappers, Cyprinidae, snappers, Cyprinidae, haddock, merluccidae, moridae and muranoleepidae
0304.5400 Swordfish (swordfish)
0304.5500 Antarctic and black Antarctic cod (black cod, deep cod, black notochord) * (dissostichus spp.)
0304.56 Carson and other schools
0304.5611 White fin sea shark
0304.5612 Ceramic tile
0304.5613 Galapagos / Mango shark
0304.5614 Hammerhead shark
0304.5615 Giant hammer shark
0304.5616 Smooth hammerhead shark
0304.5617 Toros
0304.5619 Other
0304.5621 Smoke shark, grey shark or sea cat
0304.5622 Grey nosed shark
0304.5623 Spiny horned shark
0304.5624 Saw fish
0304.5629 Other
0304.5631 Whale shark
0304.5632 Pilgrim shark
0304.5639 Other
0304.5641 Firefox (Firefox)
0304.5642 Shark
0304.5643 Toothed shark (Isurus oxyinchus)
0304.5644 Sardine
0304.5649 Other
0304.5690 Other
0304.57 Stripe (rajidae)
0304.5710 Zearaja chilensis (former dipturus chilensis)
0304.5790 Other
0304.5900 Other
0304.6100 Tilapia mossambica
0304.6200 Catfish or catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.)
0304.6300 Nile perch
0304.6900 Other
0304.7100 Bacala (Gadus Mohua, Gadus ogak, Gadus marcefalus)
0304.7200 Haddock
0304.7300 Anthrax
0304.74 Cod (COD, urocystis)
0304.7411 Common cod
0304.7412 Southern cod
0304.7419 Other
0304.7490 Other
0304.7500 Theragra chalcograma
0304.79 Other
0304.7910 Tail cod
0304.7920 Three fin cod
0304.7990 Other
0304.81 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus TSCHAWYTSCHA, Oncorhynchus kisuch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (hucho hucho)
0304.8110 pacific salmon
0304.8120 Atlantic salmon and Danube salmon
0304.8200 Trout (salmon trout, rainbow trout, Clark rainbow trout, aguabonita rainbow trout, gilai rainbow trout, Apache rainbow trout and Chrysogaster rainbow trout)
0304.8300 Flat fish (lateral ear, meat foot, crab eating family, Soleidae, scophthalmidae and citharidae)
0304.8400 Swordfish (swordfish)
0304.85 Antarctic and black Antarctic cod (black cod, deep cod, black notochord) * (dissostichus spp.)
0304.8510 Deep rosacea (dissostichus eleginoides)
0304.8590 Other
0304.8600 Herring (herring, herring)
0304.8700 Tuna (TUNA), listed (beautiful striped belly) (Katsuwonus pelamis)
0304.88 Carson, other horned sharks and stripes (rajidae)
0304.8811 Long fin sea shark
0304.8812 Ceramic tile
0304.8813 Galapagos / Mango shark
0304.8814 Hammerhead shark
0304.8815 Giant hammer shark
0304.8816 Smooth hammerhead shark
0304.8817 Toros
0304.8819 Other
0304.8821 Smoke shark, grey shark or sea cat
0304.8822 Grey nosed shark
0304.8823 Spiny horned shark
0304.8824 Saw fish
0304.8829 Other
0304.8831 Whale shark
0304.8832 Pilgrim shark
0304.8839 Other
0304.8841 Firefox (Firefox)
0304.8842 Shark
0304.8843 Toothed shark (Isurus oxyinchus)
0304.8844 Sardine
0304.8849 Other
0304.8851 Zearaja chilensis (former dipturus chilensis)
0304.8859 Other
0304.8890 Other
0304.89 Other
0304.8930 Walrus (Chilean walrus, white spotted walrus, spotted walrus)
0304.8972 Common sardines (strangomera bentinki (ex Clupea bentinki))
0304.8973 Chilean jurei (Trachurus murphyi)
0304.8979 Other
0304.8990 Other
0304.9100 Swordfish (swordfish)
0304.92 Antarctic and black Antarctic cod (black cod, deep cod, black notochord) * (dissostichus spp.)
0304.9210 Deep rosacea (dissostichus eleginoides)
0304.9290 Other
0304.9300 Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.), catfish or catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., ithalus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp.), grass carp idellus, hypothalamic phthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, catla catla, lab
0304.9400 Theragra chalcograma
0304.95 Fish of the family hadidae, family hadidae, family hadidae, family hadidae, family haddock, family merluccidae, moridae and family muranoleepidae, excluding Alaska cod (Theragra chalcograma)
0304.9513 coconut tree
0304.9514 Other common cod meat (COD gayI gayI)
0304.9515 Other southern cod meat (Australian COD)
0304.9519 Other
0304.9591 Other cod (macrorus magellanicus)
0304.9592 Meat of other three finned cod or cod
0304.9599 Other
0304.96 Carson and other schools
0304.9611 White fin sea shark
0304.9612 Ceramic tile
0304.9613 Galapagos / Mango shark
0304.9614 Hammerhead shark
0304.9615 Giant hammer shark
0304.9616 Smooth hammerhead shark
0304.9617 Toros
0304.9619 Other
0304.9621 Smoke shark, grey shark or sea cat
0304.9622 Grey nosed shark
0304.9623 Spiny horned shark
0304.9624 Saw fish
0304.9629 Other
0304.9631 Whale shark
0304.9632 Pilgrim shark
0304.9639 Other
0304.9641 Firefox (Firefox)
0304.9642 Shark
0304.9643 Toothed shark (Isurus oxyinchus)
0304.9644 Sardine
0304.9649 Other
0304.9690 Other
0304.97 Stripe (rajidae)
0304.9710 Zearaja chilensis (former dipturus chilensis)
0304.9790 Other
0304.99 Other
0304.9920 Juan Fernandez Dionysus
0304.9945 pacific salmon
0304.9946 Atlantic salmon and Danube salmon
0304.9950 Trout (salmon trout, rainbow trout, Clark rainbow trout, aguabonita rainbow trout, gilai rainbow trout, Apache rainbow trout and Chrysogaster rainbow trout)
0304.9960 Sardines (sardines, sardines), common sardines (strangomera bentinki (ex Clupea bentinki)), Chilean mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) and mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus)
0304.9970 Walrus (Chilean walrus, white spotted walrus, spotted walrus)
0304.9990 Other
0305 Dried fish, salty or salt water; Smoked fish, whether or not cooked before or during smoking.
Show details
0305.20 Fish liver, eggs, fish milk, dry, smoked, pickled or salted
0305.2010 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus TSCHAWYTSCHA, Oncorhynchus kisuch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (hucho hucho)
0305.2020 Trout (salmon trout, rainbow trout, Clark rainbow trout, aguabonita rainbow trout, Gila rainbow trout, Apache rainbow trout and Chrysogaster rainbow trout)
0305.2090 Other
0305.3100 Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.), catfish or catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., ithalus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp.), grass carp idellus, hypothalamic phthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, catla catla, lab
0305.3200 Short tailed snappers, Cyprinidae, snappers, Cyprinidae, haddock, merluccidae, moridae and muranoleepidae
0305.39 Other
0305.3910 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus TSCHAWYTSCHA, Oncorhynchus kisuch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (hucho hucho)
0305.3940 Anchovy
0305.3950 Deep rosacea (dissostichus eleginoides)
0305.3990 Other
0305.41 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus TSCHAWYTSCHA, Oncorhynchus kisuch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (hucho hucho)
0305.4130 Pacific salmon fillet
0305.4160 Atlantic salmon and Danube salmon
0305.4190 Other
0305.4200 Herring (herring, herring)
0305.43 Trout (salmon trout, rainbow trout, Clark rainbow trout, aguabonita rainbow trout, gilai rainbow trout, Apache rainbow trout and Chrysogaster rainbow trout)
0305.4330 A fish fillet
0305.4390 Other
0305.4400 Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.), catfish or catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., ithalus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp.), grass carp idellus, hypothalamic phthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, catla catla, lab
0305.4900 Other
0305.5100 Bacala (Gadus Mohua, Gadus ogak, Gadus marcefalus)
0305.5200 Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.), catfish or catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., ithalus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp.), grass carp idellus, hypothalamic phthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, catla catla, lab
0305.5300 Short tailed snapper family, true carp family, snapper family, catfish family, haddock family, merluccidae, moridae and muranolepidae family, excluding cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus)
0305.5400 Herring (herring, herring), anchovies (Engraulis spp.), sardines (pilchardus, sardines spp.), sardines (sardines spp.), herring (spratus sprattus), mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus), Indian mackerel (tracklliger spp.),
0305.5900 Other
0305.6100 Herring (herring, herring)
0305.6200 Bacala (Gadus Mohua, Gadus ogak, Gadus marcefalus)
0305.6300 Anchovy
0305.6400 Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.), catfish or catfish (Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., ithalus spp.), carp (Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp.), grass carp idellus, hypothalamic phthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, catla catla, lab
0305.69 Other
0305.6910 Pacific salmon, Atlantic salmon and Danube salmon
0305.6920 trout
0305.6990 Other
0305.71 shark 's fin
0305.7111 White fin sea shark
0305.7112 Ceramic tile (pryonas grauca)
0305.7113 Galapagos / Mango shark
0305.7114 Hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini)
0305.7115 Giant hammerhead shark
0305.7116 Hammerhead shark (Sphyrna zygaena)
0305.7117 Mustelus Mento
0305.7119 Other
0305.7121 Smoke shark, grey shark or sea cat
0305.7122 Grey nosed shark
0305.7123 Angle shark
0305.7124 Sawfish family
0305.7129 Other
0305.7131 Whale shark (rhinodon typus)
0305.7132 Pilgrim shark
0305.7139 Other
0305.7141 Firefox (Firefox)
0305.7142 Shark
0305.7143 Toothed shark or mackerel
0305.7144 Sardine
0305.7149 Other
0305.7190 Other
0305.7200 Head, tail and swimming bag, fish
0305.79 Other
0305.7910 Striped fin of ray family
0305.7920 Striped fins of the Jaguar family
0305.7990 Other
0306 Crustaceans, whether or not skinned, live, fresh, frozen, frozen, dry, salty or saline; Smoked crustaceans, whether or not peeled, whether or not cooked before or during smoking; Crustaceans, not peeled, cooked in water or steam, whether or not refrigerat
Show details
0306.1100 lobster
0306.1200 Lobster (lobster)
0306.14 Crabs (excluding crabs)
0306.1410 Jaibas (baud's cancer, Edwards partial cancer (pre Edwards's cancer), flat homaaspis, taliepus dentatus, romaleon setosus (pre setosus cancer), civilian cancer (pre coronary artery cancer), three spotted oval tube
0306.1421 Santora
0306.1423 Granular paralysis
0306.1429 Other
0306.1490 Other
0306.1500 Norwegian lobster
0306.1600 Cold water shrimp, shrimp and other Natan shrimp (Pandalus spp., Cragon, Cragon)
0306.17 Other shrimp, shrimp and other shrimp
0306.1711 Nylon shrimp
0306.1712 Ecuadorian prawn
0306.1719 Other
0306.1721 Yellow shrimp
0306.1722 penaeus monodon
0306.1729 Other
0306.1791 Prawns (prawns)
0306.1799 Other
0306.1900 Other
0306.31 lobster
0306.3120 Juan Fernandez lobster
0306.3190 Other
0306.3200 Lobster (lobster)
0306.33 Crabs (excluding crabs)
0306.3310 Jaibas (baud's cancer, Edwards partial cancer (pre Edwards's cancer), flat homaaspis, taliepus dentatus, romaleon setosus (pre setosus cancer), civilian cancer (pre coronary artery cancer), three spotted oval tube
0306.3321 Santora
0306.3323 Granular paralysis
0306.3329 Other
0306.3390 Other
0306.3400 Norwegian lobster
0306.35 Cold water shrimp, shrimp and other Natan shrimp (Pandalus spp., Cragon, Cragon)
0306.3510 shrimp meat
0306.3520 Prawns
0306.3590 Other
0306.36 Other shrimp, shrimp and other shrimp
0306.3610 shrimp meat
0306.3620 Prawns
0306.3690 Ten other animals in natantia
0306.3900 Other
0306.9100 lobster
0306.9200 Lobster (lobster)
0306.9300 Crabs (excluding crabs)
0306.9400 Norwegian lobster
0306.9500 Shrimp, shrimp and other shrimp
0306.9900 Other
0307 Live, fresh, refrigerated, frozen, dried, salted or salted mollusks, whether or not separated from their shells; Smoked mollusks, whether or not skinned, whether or not cooked before or during smoking.
Show details
0307.11 Live, fresh or refrigerated
0307.1120 Pacific Gigas
0307.1190 Other
0307.1200 Freezing
0307.1900 Other
0307.21 Live, fresh or refrigerated
0307.2110 Argopecten purpuratus
0307.2190 Other
0307.22 Freezing
0307.2210 Argopecten purpuratus
0307.2220 Southern oyster (Patagonian Chlamys farreri)
0307.2290 Other
0307.29 Other
0307.2910 Argopecten purpuratus
0307.2990 Other
0307.3100 Live, fresh or refrigerated
0307.3200 Freezing
0307.3900 Other
0307.42 Live, fresh or refrigerated
0307.4210 Cuttlefish (squid, Rosa macrocephala) and red blood cells (sepiolite)
0307.4220 Squid and squid (Ommastrephes spp., Loligo spp., notodotarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp.)
0307.4290 Other
0307.43 Freezing
0307.4310 a squid
0307.4320 Cuttlefish or red Squid fillet
0307.4330 Red winged squid
0307.4340 Tube or sheath of cuttlefish or red squid
0307.4390 Other
0307.4900 Other
0307.51 Live, fresh or refrigerated
0307.5110 Octopus (Octopus)
0307.5190 Other
0307.52 Freezing
0307.5210 Octopus (Octopus)
0307.5290 Other
0307.5900 Other
0307.6000 Except conch
0307.71 Live, fresh or refrigerated
0307.7110 Clams (leukoma thaca and ancient amiginomia)
0307.7190 Other
0307.72 Freezing
0307.7212 Julian or tavera (tavera oval (former taveraguy))
0307.7214 Lie down (solid semen)
0307.7215 Huepos or sea shaver (ensis Macha)
0307.7216 Navajuelas (taglus Dombey)
0307.7219 Other
0307.7290 Other
0307.7900 Other
0307.8100 Abalone (abalone), fresh or chilled
0307.8200 Conch, live, fresh or chilled
0307.83 Abalone, frozen
0307.8310 Red abalone
0307.8390 Other
0307.8400 Conch, frozen
0307.8700 Other abalone or sea fungus (abalone)
0307.8800 Other conch (Conch)
0307.91 Live, fresh or refrigerated
0307.9130 Walnut (Walnut)
0307.9190 Other
0307.92 Freezing
0307.9210 Walnut (Walnut)
0307.9220 snail
0307.9230 Lapas (Schizophyllum)
0307.9240 Southern octopus or colored Octopus (giant blue intestine ctopus)
0307.9290 Other
0307.9900 Other
0308 Aquatic invertebrates, other than crustaceans and mollusks, live, fresh, refrigerated, frozen, dry, salty or in salt water; Smoked aquatic invertebrates, except crustaceans and mollusks, whether or not cooked before or during smoking.
Show details
0308.1100 Live, fresh or refrigerated
0308.1200 Freezing
0308.1900 Other
0308.21 Live, fresh or refrigerated
0308.2110 Tongue (gonad) of sea urchin (loxechinus albus)
0308.2190 Other
0308.22 Freezing
0308.2210 Tongue (gonad) of sea urchin (loxechinus albus)
0308.2290 Other
0308.2900 Other
0308.3000 Jellyf
0308.9000 Other
0309.1000 Fish
0309.90 Other
0309.9010 Crustacean
0309.9020 Mollusks
0309.9030 Aquatic invertebrates, except crustaceans and molluscs