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HS Code for 24
2401 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobacco refuse
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2401.10 Tobacco, not stemmed or stripped
2401.10.10 Flue cured virginia tobacco
2401.10.20 Sun cured country (natu) tobacco
2401.10.30 Sun cured virginia tobacco
2401.10.40 Burley tobacco
2401.10.50 Tobacco for manufacture of biris, not stemmed
2401.10.60 Tobacco for manufacture of chewing tobacco
2401.10.70 Tobacco for manufacture of cigar and cheroot
2401.10.80 Tobacco for manufacture of hookah tobacco
2401.10.90 Other
2401.20 Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed or stripped
2401.20.10 Flue cured virginia tobacco
2401.20.20 Sun cured country (natu) tobacco
2401.20.30 Sun cured virginia tobacco
2401.20.40 Burley tobacco
2401.20.50 Tobacco for manufacture of biris
2401.20.60 Tobacco for manufacture of chewing tobacco
2401.20.70 Tobacco for manufacture of cigar and cheroot
2401.20.80 Tobacco for manufacture of hookah tobacco
2401.20.90 Other
2401.30.00 Tobacco refuse
2402 Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, of tobacco or of tobacco substitutes
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2402.10 Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos, containing tobacco
2402.10.10 Cigar and cheroots
2402.10.20 Cigarillos
2402.20 Cigarettes, containing tobacco
2402.20.10 Other than filter cigarettes, of length not exceeding 60 millimetres
2402.20.20 Other than filter cigarettes, of length exceeding 60 millimetres but not exceeding 70 millimetres
2402.20.30 Filter cigarettes of length (including the length of the filter, the length of filter being 11 millimetres or its actual length, whichever is more) not exceeding 70 millimetres
2402.20.40 Filter cigarettes of length (including the length of the filter, the length of filter being 11 millimetres or its actual length, whichever is more) exceeding 70 millimetres but not exceeding 75 millimetres
2402.20.50 Filter cigarettes of length (including the length of the filter, the length of filter being 11 millimetres or its actual length, whichever is more) exceeding 75 millimetres but not exceeding 85 millimetres
2402.20.90 Other
2402.90 Other
2402.90.10 Cigarettes of tobacco substitutes
2402.90.20 Cigarillos of tobacco substitutes
2402.90.90 Other
2403 Other manufactured tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes; 'homogenised' or 'reconstituted' tobacco; tobacco extracts and essences
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2403.11 Water pipe tobacco specified in sub-heading note to this chapter
2403.11.10 Hookah or gudaku tobacco
2403.11.90 Other
2403.19 Other
2403.19.10 Smoking mixtures for pipes and cigarettes
2403.19.21 Other than paper rolled biris, manufactured without the aid of machine
2403.19.29 Other
2403.19.90 Other
2403.91.00 Homogenised or reconstituted tobacco
2403.99 Other
2403.99.10 Chewing tobacco
2403.99.20 Preparations containing chewing tobacco
2403.99.30 Jarda scented tobacco
2403.99.40 Snuff
2403.99.50 Preparations containing snuff
2403.99.60 Tobacco extracts and essence
2403.99.70 Cuttobacco
2403.99.90 Other
2404 Products containing tobacco, reconstituted tobacco, nicotine, or tobacco or nicotine substitutes, intended for inhalation without combustion; other nicotine containing products intended for the intake of nicotine into the human body
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2404.11.00 Containing tobacco or reconstituted tobacco
2404.12.00 Other, containing nicotine
2404.19.00 Other
2404.91.00 Other:for oral application
2404.92.00 For transdermal application
2404.99.00 Other